Keeping Your Hands and Feet Healthy in Winter

Many of us suffer from the harsh temperatures of winter. Wearing gloves, socks, and using regular moisturizers are simply not enough to protect our hands, and feet; not all moisturizers were created equally. While using moisturizers it’s also good to help our body from the inside out by drinking plenty of water daily. In summer it’s easier for us to remember to drink water but we also, need water in winter.

After experiencing my share of horrible hangnails, brittle nails, dry, hard cuticles, and cracked heels; I tried many moisturizers and cuticle oils but nothing seemed to work. I coincidentally stumbled upon Aquaphor, this works wonders for my hands and body.

Using this product many times a day after I washed my hands, I also applied it to my heels at night times. Within a week of using Aquaphor, I started seeing changes in my nails and skin. My skin looked and felt softer, little did I know,  my once brittle nails would also, starting to get stronger. 

Nothing works overnight, nothing works without putting in some effort, and that’s exactly what I did. Applying Aquaphor more than once a day might sound like a lot of work but I truly wanted my hands and nails to be better. Seeing changes in a week of using this product, I was more determined to keep this up. 

It’s best for winter, in summer I recommend using Aquaphor at nights when in bed for both feet and hands. You can substitute this by using lighter products such as Coconut Oil, Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Vaseline, or Shea Butter with your regular moisturizers in summer, but you have to do this regularly.